How portrait photos are edited in sheraj photography?

How portrait photos are edited in sheraj photography?

I’m Raj, photographer and photoshop guru, I’m expert in converting any photo into awesome photo using photoshop and other AI tools. See below examples, if you need such a dreaming photo, please contact me

  1. Open the Image:
    • Open your portrait image in Photoshop.
  2. Duplicate the Layer:
    • Before making any edits, duplicate the background layer. Right-click on the background layer and choose “Duplicate Layer” to create a copy. This ensures that you can always go back to the original if needed.
  3. Crop and Straighten (if necessary):
    • Use the Crop Tool (C) to adjust the composition and straighten the image if needed.
  4. Adjust Exposure and Contrast:
    • Go to “Image” > “Adjustments” > “Brightness/Contrast” or “Levels” to adjust the overall exposure and contrast. You can also use the “Curves” adjustment for more control.
  5. Color Correction:
    • Correct color issues using “Image” > “Adjustments” > “Color Balance” or “Hue/Saturation.” You can also use the “Selective Color” adjustment for more precise control.
  6. Skin Retouching:
    • Use the “Spot Healing Brush” or “Healing Brush” to remove blemishes, wrinkles, or other imperfections. You can also use the “Clone Stamp” tool for larger areas.
  7. Softening Skin (Optional):
    • Create a duplicate layer and apply a Gaussian Blur (“Filter” > “Blur” > “Gaussian Blur”) to the duplicate layer. Reduce the opacity of the blurred layer to control the amount of softening.
  8. Enhance Eyes and Teeth:
    • Use the Dodge tool to brighten the whites of the eyes and the teeth. You can also enhance the eyes with the “Saturation” and “Brightness/Contrast” adjustments.
  9. Adjust Lips and Cheeks:
    • Enhance the color of lips and cheeks using the “Hue/Saturation” or “Color Balance” adjustments.
  10. Sharpening:
    • Apply sharpening to enhance details. Use the “Filter” > “Sharpen” > “Smart Sharpen” or “Unsharp Mask” for this purpose.
  11. Vignette (Optional):
    • Create a new layer, use the Elliptical Marquee Tool to make a circular selection, and then feather it. Apply a dark color to the selection, and adjust the layer’s opacity to create a subtle vignette.
  12. Final Adjustments:
    • Make any final adjustments as needed, and check the image at 100% zoom to ensure the details look natural.
  13. Save Your Work:
    • Save your edited portrait as a new file or in a different format if necessary.

Remember, subtlety is key in portrait editing to maintain a natural look. Experiment with different tools and settings to achieve the desired result while keeping the essence of the original photo.

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