Eliminating Eye Glass Glare in Photoshop: A Step-by-Step Guide

Eliminating Eye Glass Glare in Photoshop: A Step-by-Step Guide


Photographers often encounter the pesky issue of eye glass glare in their portraits. While capturing the essence of a person’s personality and emotions, reflections on glasses can detract from the image’s quality. Thankfully, Adobe Photoshop offers several techniques to help you remove glare from eyeglasses and enhance the visual appeal of your portraits. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to effectively eliminate eye glass glare.

Step 1: Import Your Image

  1. Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the image that contains the eye glass glare issue by selecting “File” > “Open.”

Step 2: Duplicate the Layer

  1. In the Layers panel, right-click on the background layer and choose “Duplicate Layer.” This will create a copy of your image, allowing you to work non-destructively.

Step 3: Create a Selection

  1. Select the “Pen Tool” from the toolbar, and carefully trace the outline of the glasses. Once you’ve completed the path, right-click and select “Make Selection.” Ensure the “Feather” option is set to 0 pixels.

Step 4: Add a Layer Mask

  1. Click the “Add Layer Mask” icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. This will create a mask based on your selection.

Step 5: Use the Healing Brush Tool

  1. Select the “Healing Brush Tool” from the toolbar (shortcut: J). Ensure the brush size is appropriate for the size of the glare. Alt-click (Option-click on a Mac) on an area close to the glare, and then brush over the glare. Photoshop will sample from the area you clicked and apply it to the glare.

Step 6: Fine-Tune with the Clone Stamp Tool

  1. If necessary, you can further fine-tune the result using the “Clone Stamp Tool” (shortcut: S). This tool allows you to precisely copy pixels from one area to another. Adjust the brush size and hardness according to the details of your image.

Step 7: Check and Adjust

  1. Zoom in to inspect your work. Make sure the transition between the repaired area and the rest of the glasses is smooth and natural. If not, continue refining with the Healing Brush and Clone Stamp tools.

Step 8: Final Touches

  1. To ensure a seamless integration, consider adjusting the brightness and contrast of the area you’ve retouched. You can use adjustment layers such as “Levels” or “Curves” for this purpose.

Step 9: Save Your Work

  1. Once you’re satisfied with the results, save your edited image. You can go to “File” > “Save” or “File” > “Save As” to preserve your progress.


Eliminating eye glass glare in Adobe Photoshop is a valuable skill for portrait photographers. By following these steps, you can restore the focus to your subject’s eyes and create striking, glare-free portraits. Remember to practice and fine-tune your technique to achieve the best results, and don’t be afraid to experiment with the various tools and features Photoshop offers. With time and experience, you’ll become proficient in the art of glare removal, enhancing the visual impact of your portrait photography.

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