Is Photography an Art?

Is Photography an Art?
Photo by Frank Cone on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Photography can be an art form, but not all photographs are created to be artworks or as forms of artistic expression. Until photography was recognized as a valid art form it took time to gain recognition. However, in the present day, many art museums and art galleries now exhibit photographic artworks. 

Photographers like Ansel Adams, Herve Lewis, Dorothea Lang, SN, Man Ray, Jonas Leriche, Irving Penn, and many others are renowned and recognized artists. 

However, with the prevalence of photos available now, the debate about whether photography is really art has been re-ignited.

Is Photography a Visual Art?

As a relatively new medium, photography is not one of the traditional seven forms of art but it is included in the broader definition of the visual arts. Within the visual arts, photography can be categorized as either fine art or commercial art. Many artists, such as Annie Lebovitz, work in both the fine and commercial art worlds. 

Photography Art Definition

The definition of photography art, also known as ‘fine-art photography,’ is photographic artworks that are created in line with the artist’s vision. The artwork uses photography as the artist’s chosen medium for creative expression. Fine-art photography aims to express a creative idea, message, or emotion unique to the artist. 

The Elements of Art in Photography

Photography uses the same essential elements and principles as other visual art forms like painting and sculpture. The common elements of art seen in photography include:

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Form
  • Texture
  • Balance
  • Asymmetric balance
  • Color
  • Size
  • Depth
  • Light
  • Positive space
  • Negative space

Is Digital Photography Art?

Just as not all photography is art, not all digital photography is art. Many early photographic artists developed signature styles through their techniques of developing analogy photos.

Those methods and techniques are removed from digital photography, but digital artists have learned and developed new skills in their place. Digital artists and photographers can create fine art that is original and unique. 

We define art as something primarily appreciated for its visual aesthetic value or the emotional impact it has on an observer. A digital selfie or photograph from a family party is not art in this sense, but digital photography can create fine art. How a digital photographer chooses to capture a mood or scene shows their artistic vision.

Even with digital photography techniques and post-production treatments, a digital artist uses all art elements, such as line, form, light, depth, etc. Famous digital photographers include Annie Leibovitz, Andreas Gursky, Shirin Neshat, Jonas Leriche, David La Chapelle, and many other talented artists. 

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